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Massachusetts Bay Trading Co.
Artist Profiles
While Natalie Rothstein has lived in Massachusetts her entire life, her book, An American Family, takes the reader on a global journey, tracing her family from Belarus and Lithuania to Boston. Her absorbing writing style makes the book thoroughly enjoyable to read. An American Family is part adventure, part history, part geography and part family legacy all threaded together into a wonderful and motivating story.
Ms. Rothstein lives in Brookline, with her husband in a 100-year-old Victorian home where they raised their three children. Here is how she describes Massachusetts: "It's Cape Cod and the Berkshires; it's Fenway Park and Symphony Hall; it's summer with the 4th of July on the Esplanade and winter with First Night in Boston. It's a state of contrasts and diversity, as old as this nation and as new as tomorrow. It's Massachusetts, my home."
Both a writer and a speaker, Natalie has published short stories, features and essays as well as numerous travel articles. Her work has appeared in The Boston Globe, Boston Magazine, The Boston Herald, The Saturday Evening Post, McCall's, The Cape Cod Times, The London Sunday Express, The Chicago Sun-Times, The Providence Journal, Moment, The Writer and American Way.
Ms. Rothstein has worked as a staff writer at Action for Children's Television and as a feature writer for a suburban newspaper. She also served as the Arts & Entertainment reporter for a local cable station in the Boston area.
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