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Massachusetts Bay Trading CompanyThe Massachusetts Bay Trading Company is the first Web site dedicated to promoting the rich heritage of Massachusetts and the quality of products originating in state. Founded on Patriots day in 2002, the site sells products that embody the finest character and diversity for which Massachusetts is renowned. Our company targets a devoted following of residents, visitors, newcomers, and tourists as well as anyone looking for the best of Massachusetts-based products. Each year the Commonwealth attracts 27 million visitors who are eager to purchase products associated with the area after they return home. The products for sale at the site include the following.
More than a web storeThe Web site includes history and information about Massachusetts. MBTC sponsors competitions such as "best in category made in Massachusetts", "best new Massachusetts product" and "best selling Massachusetts product". We will also offer a certified "Made in Massachusetts" program to designate items crafted in state. The site publishes a monthly newsletter and offers regular polls on Massachusetts topics of interest. The monthly Massachusetts knowledge contests offer discount coupons to those who are especially well-versed in Massachusetts history. A discussion board is available for visitors to discuss their favorite vacation sites, hard to find state items and other topics of interest. |
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